09 June 2024

Week 2024-23: Albert-László Barabási (Collected Quotes)

"Also worth remembering is that all superstars are bounded by the limits of performance in their field. True, they’re excellent at what they do, but the Second Law tells us that their performance is really only fractionally better than their peers’. That means that we have a better chance of successfully competing with superstars if we see them as unthreatening as they see us." (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

"Each success story is bound to leave a trail of data points behind." (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

"Even though performance does drive success, the problem is that the differences among top contenders are so tiny that they’re often nearly immeasurable." (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

"Remember, performance needs to be empowered by opportunity. We need to reframe the all-too-frequent assumption that aiming for the top means scraping our way up from the bottom. " (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

"Since success is a collective phenomenon, measured by how our community reacts to a performance, it’s impossible to understand the phenomenon of success without also observing the network it takes place within. But networks are singularly important in areas like art, where performance and quality are hard to measure." (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018) 

"Success, however, is a whole different category. It’s a collective measure, capturing how people respond to our performance. In other words, if we want to measure our success or figure out how we’ll ultimately be rewarded, we can’t look at our performances or accomplishments in isolation. Instead, we need to study our community and examine its response to our contributions. " (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

"Superstars suppress you if you compete against them, but they may boost you if you cooperate with them." (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

 "[…] success is a collective phenomenon rather than an individual one." (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

"The good news is that once you get that first win, the data shows you’ll win again and again. There’s a secret, mindlessly metastasizing aspect to reward. Success can self-generate, growing in proportion to its size. If you win once, you’ll win again. And again. And again." (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

"The problem is, our best judgment always fails. " (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

"This is probably one of the most fascinating outcomes of any foray into the Science of Success: the realization that regardless of the success measure we’re talking about - impact, visibility, audience, or adoration - its distribution follows the same power law as wealth." (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

"With persistence success can come at any time." (Albert-László Barabási, "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", 2018)

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