"A good teacher offers practice, a bad one offers theories." (Anthony de Mello, "One Minute Wisdom", 1988)
"All suffering comes from a person's inability to sit still and be alone." (Anthony de Mello, "One Minute Wisdom", 1988)
"People who deliberate fully before they take a step will spend their lives on one leg." (Anthony de Mello, "One Minute Wisdom", 1988)
"Thought can organize the world so well that you are no longer able to see it." (Anthony de Mello, "One Minute Wisdom", 1988)
"Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one's awareness of one's ignorance." (Anthony de Mello, "One Minute Wisdom", 1988)
"Spirituality practiced in the state of activity is incomparably superior to that practiced in a state of withdrawal." (Anthony de Mello, "One Minute Wisdom", 1988)
"You can read books without ever stepping into a library; and practice spirituality without ever going to a temple." (Anthony de Mello, " One Minute Wisdom", 1988)
"Drop your false ideas. See through people. If you see through yourself, you will see through everyone. Then you will love them. Otherwise you spend the whole time grappling with your wrong notions of them, with your illusions that are constantly crashing against reality." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"Happiness is our natural state. Happiness is the natural state of little children, to whom the kingdom belongs until they have been polluted and contaminated by the stupidity of society and culture." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"Nobody is afraid of the unknown, what you really fear is the loss of the known." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"Ordinarily, everything we do is in our self-interest. Everything." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"Pleasant experiences make life delightful. Painful experiences lead to growth." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"The three most difficult things for a human being are not physical feats or intellectual achievements. They are, first, returning love for hate; second, including the excluded; third, admitting that you are wrong." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"There's only one reason why you're not experiencing bliss at this present moment, and it's because you're thinking or focusing on what you don't have. [...] But, right now you have everything you need to be in bliss." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"Understand the obstructions you are putting in the way of love, freedom, and happiness and they will drop. Turn on the light of awareness and the darkness will disappear. Happiness is not something you acquire; love is not something you produce; love is not something you have; love is something that has you." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"What is a loving heart? A loving heart is sensitive to the whole of life, to all persons; a loving heart doesn't harden itself to any persons or things." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"You are never in love with anyone. You're only in love with your prejudiced and hopeful idea of that person." (Anthony de Mello, "Awareness: Conversations with the Masters", 1990)
"Mostly the discontent that you feel comes from not having enough of something - you are dissatisfied because you think you do not have enough money or power or success or fame or virtue or love or holiness. This is not the discontent that leads to the joy of the kingdom. Its source is greed and ambition and its fruit is restlessness and frustration. The day you are discontented not because you want more of something but without knowing what it is you want; when you are sick at heart of everything you are pursuing so far and you are sick of the pursuing itself, then your heart will attain a great clarity, an insight that will cause you mysteriously to delight in everything and in nothing." (Anthony de Mello, "The Way to Love", 1995)
"The tragedy of an attachment is that if its object is not attained it causes unhappiness. But if it is attained, it does not cause happiness – it merely causes a flash of pleasure followed by weariness, and it is always accompanied, of course, by the anxiety that you may lose the object of your attachment." (Anthony de Mello, "The Way to Love", 1995)
"Understand your darkness and it will vanish; then you will know what light is. Understand your nightmare for what it is and it will stop; then you will wake up to reality. Understand your false beliefs and they will drop; then you will know the taste of happiness." (Anthony de Mello, "The Way to Love", 1995)
"To relate is to react. To react is to understand oneself. To understand oneself is to be enlightened. Relationships are schools for enlightenment." (Anthony de Mello, "Heart of the Enlightened: A Book of Story Meditations", 1997)
"A nice definition of an awakened person: a person who no longer marches to the drums of society, a person who dances to the tune of the music that springs up from within." (Anthony de Mello, "Anthony De Mello: Writings", 1999)
"Most people don't live aware lives. They live mechanical lives, mechanical thoughts - generally somebody else's - mechanical emotions, mechanical actions, mechanical reactions." (Anthony de Mello, "Anthony De Mello: Writings", 1999)
"The only way someone can be of help to you is in challenging your ideas. If you're ready to listen and if you're ready to be challenged, there's one thing that you can do, but no one can help you. What is this most important thing of all? It's called self-observation." (Anthony de Mello, "Anthony De Mello: Writings", 1999)
"This is what is ultimate in our human knowledge of God, to know that we do not know." (Anthony de Mello, "Anthony De Mello: Writings", 1999)
"No one is exempt from talking nonsense. The great misfortune is to do it solemnly." (Anthony de Mello, "One Minute Nonsense", 2003)
"To those who seek to protect their ego true Peace brings only disturbance." (Anthony de Mello, "One Minute Nonsense", 2003)
"Sin is a refusal to grow, a refusal to love, a refusal to get committed, to be concerned, and to take risks." (Anthony de Mello, "Seek God Everywhere: Reflections on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius", 2010)
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