"Always check your ordinary functioning, and above all cultivate right seeing. What is extremely difficult is to function in accordance with all situations whether deep or shallow, coarse or fine. In order to get this differentiation clear, carefully and minutely study the sayings of the Buddha and patriarchs, and ardently strive to attain that wonderful place. This is called 'The Single Eye of Passing the Barrier'."
"Ever since the degeneration of discipline for enlightenment, they do not pay any respect to the transmission of Dharma from their masters; they have dualistic opinions of their enlightenment and kensho (seeing one’s own self-nature); they discuss the merits and demerits of each other and indulge in their own knowledge deviating from the Way of the ancients." (Torei Enji, "Shumon Mujinto Ron")
"Genuine insight into one's True Nature only emerges in the midst of Great Doubt and Great Faith; it is not the result of accumulated learning and discrimination. When the time is ripe, it appears of itself. Following this ripening process step by step is the purpose of this book. It is relatively easy to accomplish the important matter of insight into one's True Nature, but uncommonly difficult to function freely and clearly (according to this understanding), in motion and in rest, in good and in adverse circumstances. Please make strenuous and vigorous efforts towards this end, otherwise all the teachings of Buddha and patriarchs become mere empty words, rather than the living Dharma. Tread the path of sincere practice with uninterrupted concentration, and once things have become clear, then it is the time to take up and penetrate the sayings (of the Sutras and Masters)." (Torei Enji, "The Inexhaustible Lamp")
"Have deep faith in the Advanced Practice; work now with utmost effort and do not allow yourselves to slacken. Penetrate one by one the barriers set up by the Buddha and patriarchs. This is not an easy task, but reflecting on the reality within yourselves again and again in Sanzen, get the Nanto Koans of the old masters clear. In them is hidden the essence of the patriarchal transmission. But unless this is done by diligent practice under a qualified teacher, little will be gained." (Torei Enji, "The Inexhaustible Lamp")
"If we wish to attain the Buddha Way, we must by all means have great faith." (Torei Enji, "Shumon Mujinto Ron")
"One has to know (how to) practise with Faith in the Heart" (Torei Enji, "The Inexhaustible Lamp")
"One should be aware of the errors of little knowledge and insight" (Torei Enji, "The Inexhaustible Lamp")
"Students mistakenly affirm their present circumstance as if it was proof of their enlightenment. Because of this, the number of those who fall into the evil group of deluded people is not small." (Torei Enji)
"The strength and its functioning vary greatly according to the depth or shallowness of insight, and the corresponding freedom of action. It is for this reason that now as in the past students with the same insight and training differ as to strength and virtue." (Torei Enji, "The Inexhaustible Lamp")
"You students of the Way, if your power of concentration matures, your suffering will gradually subside, and pleasant phenomena will reveal themselves now and then. They are called good phenomena." (Torei Enji, "Shumon Mujinto Ron")
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